Nice To Meet You!

It’s been a difficult time. There’s been stuff. And we all know what stuff does, don’t we? Well? Don’t we? Yes, you at the back, boy! Tompkins Minor! Well, what does it do?

‘Gets in the way, Sir.’

Louder, boy!


That’s right, Tompkins. It gets in the way.


Stuff getting in the way.


Stuff not getting in the way.

And with all this stuff flying around, stuff I’m finding it rather difficult to deal with, sometimes it’s as much as I can do just to leave a ‘like’ on a post. Even posting a comment seems too much like hard work, although I want to. So I press ‘like’ to simply show my appreciation of the post.

But I’m working on it. I haven’t gone away, I’m just a little snowed under with…stuff.

And because it’s a new year (oh yes, Happy New Year to you all. Have you broken all your resolutions, yet? I have.), I’m thinking it might be a good time to re-introduce myself to the blogging world. So, this is me:

I have published one novel, Making Friends With the Crocodile, which is set in rural Northern India and is about the way society treats women there (and, by extension, in most places still). This has had good reviews, and I’m especially pleased with the ones from Indian women, who obviously know a thing or two about the subject! It is available as e-book as well as Print On Demand paperback.

The first draft of my second novel, provisionally titled A Good Place, is completed and I shall begin to edit it at the end of February. This story is set in a fictitious hill station in Northern India populated by a mixture of the English who remained in India after Partition, a few English travellers, and, naturally, the indigenous Indians there. In the meantime I am also working on another novel, the first in a series of 3 or 4, provisionally titled The Assassins Garden and set in both Persia and India in the 1600’s. This one I like to think of as being a mixture of ‘The Arabian Nights’ and Neil Gaiman. It starts innocuously enough, but rapidly becomes darker. The later books will also have elements of Gothic fiction and Victorian Detective stories in them. Possibly rather ambitious, I admit, but I have already written quite a large proportion of several of them.

I also write short stories and occasional poetry. At least, I call it occasional, but I do seem to be writing more of it than I used to.

And then I paint. I try to sell some of these through my shop on Etsy, although in the past I used to exhibit regularly at exhibitions and in various galleries (and sold quite well!). Perhaps I should investigate that route again.

There are links to Etsy and to my books on the sidebar, if you wish to go and have a gander.

And, when I can, I travel. Preferably with my wife. India and Nepal are favourite destinations, but so too are places closer to home in the UK, especially long-distance walks.

But, that’s enough about me for the moment. Possibly a little more next time.

26 thoughts on “Nice To Meet You!

  1. That stuff is just so irritating isn’t it? I think that’s why we travel so lightly without any of it! Good news on the second book, hope the editing isn’t too onerous. Sounds like you’re very busy.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ain’t that the truth. I was going to make inroads on my backlog of educational videos during my holiday blogging sabbatical, and I did watch a lot of videos, but that’s because I bought even more streaming subscriptions. So now I’m even further behind. 😏

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Blogging can be very time-consuming and overwhelming, Mick, which is why I take regular breaks. That keeps it from becoming more “stuff.” Your books all sound wonderful, but I’m intrigued by the Assassin’s Garden since I love the fantastical and dark. Happy Writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have to say that I enjoyed your book very much, and that you have a real talent for writing. As for reading and commenting on other people’s posts, don’t worry about it Mick. I know I never want you to feel guilty for not commenting on mine, or even hitting the like button. When your life settles down, then you’ll have time for such things. In the meantime, know we understand!

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