Winter – 3

Winter would have brought a period of enforced leisure for our ancestors. Their days would have become shorter with the increasing hours of darkness, until in midwinter the daylight hours would make up only one third of the time.

All outdoor activities would effectively cease in the darkness, and even during the day the worsening weather would limit what could be achieved outdoors. But other than those tasks that could be carried out, what did they do in these times? how did they pass those long hours?

At times, no doubt, there would have been feasting and merry-making because they would have required some cheer and a sense of well-being to help them get through the winter. But they must also have been mindful of husbanding scarce food resources through those long barren months.

it may be that they played games. Although archaeology hasn’t furnished us with evidence of board games or dice or variations on these, it is still possible they would scratch, perhaps, some form of grid into the beaten soil of the floor and play games of skill or chance. It is not beyond possibility that some flat rocks with strange scorings and lines on them were used for that purpose.

With no TVs or books or computers, it might seem to us that time would have weighed heavily on their hands. But you are used to what you are used to, and they would have seen things differently. They may have looked forward to a period of relative inactivity; long hours of no talk, sitting or lying down, the mind slowing down until hours were passed in no thought. Did they then also pass unusually long hours in sleep? A kind of semi-hibernation as a way of conserving energy?

But long hours also, of talking. They must have talked: of daily life and plans and past disasters and glories, of gossip, and told stories both new and handed down from previous generations. These stories would have been incredibly powerful tools for the preservation of the tribe. With no written word, the spoken word becomes the only way knowledge is transmitted. And thus it has to be memorised, both for use and also to transmit in the future. As aids to memorising, powerful tools are repetition, rhyme and rhythm. We cannot know exactly how this was utilised, but it cannot have been long before poetry and song evolved.

It can be no coincidence, but in all the early societies we know of who had no written records, those of which we know about through records left by others – such as the Romans writing of the Britons – it is clear that poetry and song were important, and the bard a highly valued member of that society. Indeed, the writings left by Romans, who tended to denigrate anyone not Roman as barbarian and primitive, violent, and uncultured, still make it clear these ‘barbarian’ tribes valued poetry and song highly. Partly, this must have been for educational purposes, but they seem also to have been valued for themselves, for their beauty. It is taking things too far to suggest this proves the same would have applied in Neolithic times, but it is certainly possible. At some point, there would have been music. I imagine this developed out of ritual, perhaps through repetitive chanting and the beat of drums…

And so, I can imagine this at first being perhaps the preserve of the shaman, until becoming a specialised ‘post’ – that of the bard – and acquiring the value of entertainment, as well as instruction.

16 thoughts on “Winter – 3

  1. Your winter’s not my winter, that’s for sure. I can imagine the early inhabitants of the Texas coast rejoicing in the coming of winter, and its relief from the heat. Even today, a lot of people say, “Just wait until December, when we can get outdoors again!” But I suspect even for our ancestors, the storytelling would be as important, even if they were gathered around an outdoor fire rather than in a cave.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. D-d-did you say n-n-no books? No wonder the life expectancy was so short back then … no books, no cell phones, no computers … probably not even any electric heat or microwave! I think I’m glad to have been born a bit later. Thanks for the thoughtful post, though … I never considered much of this. Rather depressing in terms of our lives today, but back then … it was what they knew. But really … no books??? 😱

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Pingback: Sunday Supplement – 1 – Mick Canning

  4. Perhaps they made lots of art in the long dark nights, carving branches by firelight, artefacts that have not survived. And they presumably didn’t count the hours they slept, so if they woke up in the middle of the night they would chat or make love and not worry they ‘couldn’t get back to sleep’.

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