Echoes and Imaginings

Just published – issue #1 of Echoes and Imaginings. In this issue you can find some folk tradition, some psychogeography, a few poems and a plentiful scattering of trees. Available from my Etsy shop: or by emailing me through the ‘contact me’ page.

All work is entirely my own.

Hopefully, Issue #2 will be out sometime around the end of April / beginning of May. Contents will include articles on standing stones, edgelands, May Day celebrations, and walking with an attitude of mental minimalism. There again, nothing is finalised yet. There will be some old and new poetry, of course, and possibly some new artwork. I might even add some new dark fiction, although that’s more likely a project for future issues. I’ll have to think about that.

And if you’ve already bought a copy, thank you very much!