22 thoughts on “Edale

  1. What a beautiful place, Mick, and great photos, too. You do get to see some amazing places. Were these taken last winter or earlier than that? I’ve never been to the Peak District but would love to go one day, but that’s not very likely to happen. At least I get to admire your photos instead X 😊.

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  2. My friends and I used to catch a train (steam) from Tiviot Dale Station in Stockport to walk and picnic in Edale. That was in the 60’s The carriages had individual compartments that did not interconnect which meant being easy with the pop as no stops for the loo…..no loo.When I ran away from home in 1962 I headed for Reddish Vale hoping I could reach Edale from there. I wanted to live somewhere beautiful but snow on the ground defeated unprepared me. Now I live in beautifil Wales where I belong. Hugs

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    1. We’ve been a couple of times to Edale and each time arrived by train from Manchester or Sheffield. It is still a little train – each time it had just two carriages. On our return trip last time, there was a jazz band set up in our carriage and they played all the way to Sheffield. Rather a treat.

      I think I would have run away to Edale had I known about it when I was young, if I’d ever run away seriously (I never did).

      Hugs back, David!

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  3. I especially like the third and final photos. There’s something about the combination of snow and green growth that’s quite appealing. Having grown up in the midwest, with its grid-like fields, it always surprises me to see curvy field boundaries, too. That’s one difference between hills and huge expanses of flat!

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    1. I’ve never been to the US at all, so I’ve not visited the Midwest but seen it, naturally, in films and photographs. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere without hills – I find even small flat areas a little dispiriting, although I do like the big skies you get as a consequence!

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  4. The only time I visited the Peak District was in the winter, so this chimes well with me. A beautiful post. And a bit of serendipity that we should both be thinking of the same place, Mick, me with my recent book review and you with this post. Must be something in the air!

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