Oh Heavens, Why On Earth Did I Follow That Blog? – 2

Some while ago I wrote a post explaining some of the reasons why I might occasionally choose to un-follow a blog. Surprisingly, it seemed to strike a chord with a great many readers, and has been my most popular post so far. The link is here if you wish to have a look.


I thought I’d write a follow up post today, outlining a couple more reasons I might choose to un-follow a blog, or why I might decline to follow it in the first place.

Several times I have been sent invitations to follow a site I have never heard of. The owners of these sites have never had the manners to visit mine, or if they have they have not had the courtesy to acknowledge this in any way. The first I have known of their existence is a WordPress email inviting me to follow them. I will not be visiting their sites, never mind following them.

I have a couple of followers who have followed me, but only ever leave comments that invite me to follow their sites. Again, I shall not visit, for that is just bad manners.

This happens on other antisocial media sites, of course. I get terribly annoyed when someone I’ve barely come across messages me and says ‘I’ve just liked your page, come and like mine’. Er, no. Not until you learn some manners.

Then there are those bloggers who follow me, but only visit me after I have been on their site and left a ‘like’ or a comment. Instantly, they then visit for the first time in a month and ‘like’ three or four (or even more!) posts in the space of a few seconds. There is no way they could have read these posts in that time, of course. It is possible they think they are being polite by doing this, but I’m afraid it feels they only care about getting traffic to their sites.

I would imagine most people blog because they want their posts to be seen and read. Some ‘collect’ likes and followers, but most of us don’t (I do admit I am chuffed when I get a visitor from a fresh country, though, and therefore get a ‘new’ flag on my list!).

And I am extra double chuffed with fresh cream on top and little sprinkles of pure chocolate with the dozens of fantastic bloggers I have got to know since I first joined in with this lunacy a couple of years ago!

Despite the moaning, it was a great decision.

69 thoughts on “Oh Heavens, Why On Earth Did I Follow That Blog? – 2

  1. Hi…please follow my blog…

    Ok..sorry I couldn’t resist that…and you follow at least two of my blogs so it was a little pointless…

    I completely agree with you about people just commenting to get follows on their blogs, if it happens to me and they haven’t at least tried to write something about the post they commented on I usually answer asking why they did it…I rarely get replies!

    I also agree about people not replying to comments… missing a couple is one thing especially if you get a lot and I don’t expect instant replies, but never bothering to answer at all is definitely an unfollow from me!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Um, sorry, did you say something?

      I like your idea of challenging them, although I’m a little too cowardly to do that, I think. I prefer the ‘ignore ’em’ method. But it does seem odd that anyone would go to the trouble of putting up posts and then not bother about replies or any sort of conversation about the subject. Perhaps they are just a 21st century version of stamp collectors, or autograph hunters, or something like that – as many likes as possible without bothering about quality?

      Oh God, that was a bit rambling, and also unintentionally derogatory to stamp collectors and autograph hunters.

      Stop it, Mick!

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      1. I think some people just like their own opinion and want other people to like it and say “oh yes your opinion is splendid” some sort of ego boost thing!
        I always answer comments…but then I don’t get *that* many…
        You were unintentionally derogatory so stamp collectors and autograph hunters…I was derogatory to people in general.
        Nothing wrong with a good ramble…I know of an otter who is very fond of rambling. I think I am beginning to sound like him more and more too.

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  2. “Chuffed”. We really need this word to catch on in the U.S., it’s great.
    The crap contacts are 99% annoying, but I admit, sometimes I’m momentarily intrigued to receive ads from plumbing companies in Taiwan. I suppose it’s possible some day I’ll be listening to a dripping faucet in Taiwan, regretting I didn’t jot down their info.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That would be one of the more annoying ironies of life, Robert.

      And I love ‘chuffed’, too. One of those words derived from an old, old word meaning something different (fat, or something like that). The English language is brilliant!

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  3. One of my followers is a septic service company. They followed me because I wrote a post about my septic system. I worry that they don’t read my other posts. It keeps me up at night.


    Sure, in some small way the number of followers we have, as well as the number of likes and comments we receive, says something about the appeal of our blog – but one of my favorite blogs has 20,000 followers but receives fewer likes and comments than I do.

    So what does this mean?

    It means WordPress bloggers are a fickle lot. They come, they go, we make friends, we lose them. Like the septic company, it is not worth losing sleep over.

    Instead, why not focus on the writing and having fun?

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    1. Exactly, Greg. I follow a few blogs who have in Excess of several thousand followers and yet seem to receive far less traffic than yours or mine. Even allowing for social media followers included in those totals and accounts that have gone to sleep, that’s a surprising lack of activity. I’ll happily settle for my much smaller number, with a good amount of genuine interaction.

      Of course, we may just have to live with the possibility that Stan and Bob are the real stars, and they are the reason we get any visits.

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    2. Strangely enough one of my followers is also a septic company, my guess it’s the same one. No doubt they followed me because I must have commented on your septic system post, they’ve never commented on any of mine. But then, what sort of comment might you expect from such an entity?

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  4. Mick, it happens with me that when I comment on other people’s blog they also pay a visit on my post and “set off” the favor by writing nice post. I follow them because I enjoy reading their posts. There are some bloggers who don’t seem to be interactive and it seems your comments are not appreciated. Either I choose not to comment or I unfollow them because they don’t seem to be enjoying your visit. Also, even among the bloggers whom I comment regularly, sometime I choose not to comment if I find the post is beyond me like poetry. I feel a meaningful comment is better than a lame comment like nice post! There are many nice and good bloggers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Very sensible, Arv. There are a lot of blogs I follow that I rarely comment on, as there is either nothing to add or I know little about the subject anyway.

      And we don’t need to visit or comment all the time anyway. Often, I don’t have the time to look at every blog I’m following, so I make a point of ensuring I visit regularly, even if not very often. Then there are those bloggers who only post every now and again – I try to read all their posts – whilst those who post several times a day I visit less often.

      *sigh* it get so complicated!

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      1. Absolutely. Having three meaningful engagement is better than writing ten superficial comments and replies. What does it leads to? We are here to make connections or find some connect not necessarily for any gains unless someone is using a blog as online diary!
        I find it amusing when many bloggers reply with either coldness or without any interest. They are sure to lose followers. If you don’t feel welcome, you know what to do. I’m happy you wrote about this topic. I remember having read your previous post on this issue.

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        1. Again, I have to agree, Arv. It is those connections that really justify the time taken to do write these posts.

          I am fortunate, I think, in that out of the 950-odd followers I have (not that the followers are odd, you understand!) I think I manage to have great conversations with about 20% of them, and varying amounts of interaction with about another 50%. The rest probably have either left WordPress or are not really interested. I think those are quite good figures.

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          1. I have noted that interaction level is quite good on your blog. Which means you are doing phenomenal job as a blogger. I have seen blogs with huge number of followers but little interaction. Some bloggers don’t blog after some time…boredom, other priorities…

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  5. I had to look up “chuffed,” Mick. It seems to have different definitions in different places. I like the British meaning (quite pleased, delighted). My goal is to work it into a sentence today. This blogging community has been ever so educational! (so chuffingly educational?).

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I agree, Mick, with all your points. Really, who is anyone fooling when they like six posts in four seconds? I always reciprocate a visit to my blog whether a like or comment, so there are times it may seem like I’m only visiting when visited. My daily top priority is returning the attention my blog receives, and after that, I try to visit the non-visitors. Some days are so busy that there isn’t any browsing time at all. I think we know intuitively who is reading and who isn’t. The honest connections are well worth all the others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We do know, Diana, I’m sure. Sometimes just the odd comment is enough. And yes, I’ve had someone like about a dozen posts (all reasonably long) inside a minute, before – several times, in fact. Who, indeed, do they think they are fooling?

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  7. I struggle more and more to get browsing time and as most of the blogs I follow I get via the reader I might have to go back through three or more days of blogs to catch everyone, but I do go back over ‘likes’ I’ve got or comments and ensure I’ve called back as often people like or comment when they too have been online.
    I rarely ever look at stats, I just enjoy writing on my blog and reading others. That’s the only reason I blog.
    As for the serial likers they are so obvious I don’t really bother with them.

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    1. Yes, I had to go through a couple of days worth this morning, and you invariably skip a few. But I try not to skip the same ones twice in a row – unless they are the serial likers, of course.

      We blog because we blog, I reckon.

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  8. You may have to do a new post on being ‘chuffed’ now Mick. Funny when you use a word that feels natural and it’s picked up as something special isn’t it?

    Anyway, back to the point in hand. It’s so easy to get wound up with followers and comments when you’re blogging and I think we all have times when we get bogged down with the number game. I have a few followers that I can guarantee will like our posts a few minutes after I’ve liked theirs. Not the way we play the game I’m afraid and we much prefer to just blog for ourselves and concentrate on our regular blogging friends.

    (bogged down?)

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    1. Blogged down, even?

      I’d be tempted to do a post on ‘chuffed’, but I fear I might stray into very dodgy territory there. I suppose Bob might have something to say on the matter…

      And you’re quite right. We need to just put up posts and focus on making them as good as possible, then hopefully replying to comments.

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  9. I’ve experienced the same thing, I guess from bloggers who care only about their numbers. But personally, I want readers, not simply likes and follows. And that means a smaller group of people. The same is true with the blogs I follow. Some of them have a new post every day, and I don’t always have the time to read every single one. But I do have a group of blogs that I very intentionally keep up with because they are very good. And I have another group that I keep up with as often as I am able.
    If a new person either likes or comments on my blog, I do visit their blog back as a courtesy. If what I see interests me, I’ll follow it, especially if it is obviously a new blog. But I only regularly read the “cream of the crop” because otherwise I’d be sitting at my computer all day!
    As for those people who “like” twelve of my posts at exactly 12:42 a.m., I just hit delete…….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It seems everyone who has commented so far is in agreement, Ann. I wonder if anyone will own up and say ‘Oi! It’s only the numbers that matter!’ Probably not.

      I’ve had a hectic day today, as it happens, and I’ve not had a chance to look at any of the blogs I follow, yet. So that means I’ll probably skip a few of them, and focus on ones I make a point of keeping up with.

      And as for the 12 likes at 12:42, that does really annoy me. I feel I’m being patronised or insulted. Or both.


  10. I’m quite chuffed with your reasons for unfollowing, blackballing, or otherwise giving the digital Bronx cheer (not sure of the English translation of that) to folks who behave rudely (even if I’ve occasionally dropped a less than suave comment.)

    (I had to try out “chuffed”… 😉 )

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  11. This is a timely post for me Mick. I’ve been dabbling in social media promotion recently and which has cut into the time that I normally devote to participating in our blogging community. (Perhaps dabbling is a bit mild for my newfound obsession with Pinterest, but I’m giving myself another few weeks of denial in the spirit of the holidays)

    I know it will be awhile before I find that balance, and time management, but what I HAVE realized over the past few days is along the lines that you allude to in these 2 posts: blogging works when its a reciprocal activity. A conversation. And the genuine “listeners” (blog followers that actually take the time to engage) are the ones that tend to attract broader and more interesting audiences.

    Thank you for the reminder Mick!

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    1. You’re welcome, Gabe. I was interested in your post on training for Pinterest posts, without wanting to go that way myself. I even find Facebook annoying, although I understand that it’s a good vehicle for a number of followers to link through to my blog. I don’t think Pinterest would work for me. The only Social Media that really does it for me is the blog.

      And the reason for that is, largely, the interactions.

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  12. I never follow any blog whose owner or author has asked me to follow them, as you say, it’s bad manners… but more than that, it’s spammy. Likewise (though this isn’t something you’ve mentioned in your post) I don’t comment in the posts of people who’ve never commented in my blog but who try to get my attention by clicking Like on a comment I’ve posted in someone else’s blog. While the comment ones are (currently) still on, I turned off post Likes in my own blog as it reduces the amount of communication and disencourages people from commenting. I like real communication instead of just a brief visit and a little avatar deposited below each post!

    I don’t mind people unfollowing me if they don’t really enjoy my blog posts – probably they should have read a few posts first beforehand and didn’t. But, so far, I don’t think anyone has unfollowed. I’ve unsubscribed quite a lot of spammers (it can be done) so pretty much all the people currently following my blog are ‘real people’.

    The thing of only visiting a blog after someone has clicked Like on one’s own post isn’t all bad, by the way – many, many posts don’t show up in the Reader and some don’t even show up in email, that’s a fault of WordPress dot com – and if you follow a lot of blogs, it can be easy to forget that they even exist without the occasional reminder, but the ones that do that simply to get attention to their dubious content are the ones that I avoid like the plague!

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    1. Thanks for the visit, Val (possibly a brave thing to do in the context of this post!). I have once or twice ‘liked’ someone else’s comment on another post, but this would only be if I agreed strongly with it, and usually only if I already knew the commentator. Otherwise I would add my own comment afterwards.

      I do like the likes, though. I think of them as a way of just saying you enjoyed / agreed with the post. I dislike commenting on a post by saying something along the lines of ‘Nice post’ – it feels a little trite, and otherwise there’s no way to register my approval. I think it also helps you gauge how popular a post is relative to others, which is quite useful (certainly for me).

      No, I don’t object to be unfollowed – I’ve altered my posts over the years, and people lose interest for all sorts of reasons.

      Finally, I take your point about another blogger being ‘reminded’ you exist after your commenting on a post, but the ones that annoy me are ones who do that and immediately ‘like’ half a dozen posts in less than a minute.

      But, that said, I do think that pretty well all my followers are real people, as you put it. Thanks again.

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      1. Mmm… I know, there are reasons to have post Likes turned on, too. One of my followers wanted them turned back on because she has a widget in her side panel that shows posts on which she’s clicked the Like button and she thought it would help me get more people visiting, but in my opinion, few people follow those widgets… they do follow the ones that show blogs that are followed, but not the Like button ones.

        Am with you on not posting ‘Nice post’ type of comments, not just trite but as this is the usual sort of phrase that spammers use, they often end up as Akismet’s tea-time snack!

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  13. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this because I see some blogs taking off while my numbers remain stagnant. This is undoubtedly because I don’t always comment on posts. But I operate my blog as I do most of my interactions – with a degree of shyness and restraint. A lot of times I don’t want to weigh in for fear of being controversial or disagreeing with the blogger. I don’t have lots of casual friends, preferring a few close intimate friendships. I’m devoted to the blogs I follow and have no idea how people who follow thousands of blogs do it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can’t imagine how anyone could actually follow that many blogs. The answer probably is that they don’t. They click ‘follow’ and then have virtually no further engagement with them.

      Interestingly, the way you describe your interactions are much how I feel. I don’t court controversy (usually!), and only comment when I think I have something to say. My numbers slowly increase, but not because I go out of my way to gain followers. I don’t. I will occasionally follow a new blog when one is recommended by someone else, but otherwise I don’t seek them out. I guess if you blog for long enough, people will visit.

      I am conscientious about putting appropriate tabs and categories on each post, though, which I think helps.

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  14. Manners? What are these things you speak of Mick? I read your first post on this topic and am not disappointed with the second as I agree with and share similar thoughts on antisocial media (I like this terminology, seems more fitting these days).

    Between bad manners and automation, I don’t know which is worse. Some automation is a necessary evil especially when trying to get a business off the ground but for the most part, I feel that when a “person” cannot take the time to respond to another “person” then we have to ask ourselves what are we trying to achieve. I love technology and all it has allowed us to accomplish but sometimes I wonder if the more technologically advanced we become do we also become equally stupider?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think with all the technology, all the automation, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that replying to comments on posts is no different to replying to letters or emails – i,e, common courtesy. I do notice that it has become more common for (many) people to think it unnecessary to do so.

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      1. Yes, I suppose some of it has to do with how we interact with one another and our modes of communication. Acronyms and emojis have become the norm and it seems, especially among younger people, our written and spoken language is being butchered along with declining manners.

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  15. kath1948

    I’ve been a member of ” Word Press” but don’t log in much. Maybe it’s about time I did, huh? I have to wander around a bit, to see what this site is all about. So, this is one of my New Year’s new habit.

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        1. Generally, I think that’s right. I do think the reflection is rather like that in a fairground mirror, though, magnifying and distorting some behaviours. I’m sure many people behave differently online than they would in real life.

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